Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Vice-Presidential Debate Assessment



After the chaotic Presidential debate, I gave a C grade to both President Trump and former Vice President Biden, albeit for different reasons. In last week’s debate between the Vice President candidates, I give Vice President Mike Pence a B+ but have to give Democratic Senator Kamala Harris an “I” or Incomplete for her failure to answer many of the questions on the exam, as well as her omissions on ones she tried to answer.


I think it was obvious to all that Pence won the debate. Even left leaning commentators had to work hard to spin the debate in favor of Harris. Pence appeared Presidential. In both his answers to the moderator’s questions, and in his replies to Senator Harris, he managed to tell the story of what the administration had accomplished in its first term.  He was articulate and forceful in driving home his points and at the same time did not appear overbearing or rude. If President Trump had done the same in his debate, the contest would be over by now. 



On her part Senator Harris appeared evasive and untrustworthy. On the first question of the night, when the moderator asked how a Biden administration would act differently than a Trump administration in dealing with the coronavirus, she spent most of two minutes blaming the President for 200000 deaths. In the few seconds she gave to the Biden “plan,” it sounded pretty much like what the President has been doing all along.


Her evasiveness was even more obvious when she deliberately refused to answer the question about packing the Supreme Court with additional members. In this refusal, she was just following in the footsteps of Biden, who evaded the issue in his debate. Democratic strategists have obviously coached them to hide the party’s determination to pack the court. As all good debaters should do, Vice-President Pence was quick to fill the void and affirm his and President Trump’s determination to keep the Supreme Court at nine members.


Senator Harris was also evasive on taxation. She claimed that the Biden/Harris tax plan would only raise taxes on those making over $400000, but did not answer the question of how her party’s proposal to immediately repeal the Republican tax reform measure would not result in higher taxes for those making less than $400000. Vice-President Pence had pointed out that the 2017 Tax Reform bill had raised the standard deduction for all, and that the great majority of Americans had seen a tax savings of between $2000 and $4000 a year.


Senator Harris also seemed evasive on “fracking,” the drilling process that in the last two decades had made the USA one of the world’s leaders in natural gas production, and incidentally created thousands of jobs in key battleground states. After being one of the prime movers in Congress to ban fracking, Senator Harris now says she is not opposed to fracking, and neither is Joe Biden even though he has proposed to eliminate the use of fossil fuels by 2035. She needed to explain her about face but chose not to. 


She also dodged the question about what she would advise her home state of California to do if the Supreme Court threw out the Roe v. Wade decision on abortion. It is only fair to say that Vice-President passed on that one as well except to say he was pro-Life.


Finally, she did not respond to allegations that she had been an unusually harsh Attorney General of California especially in dealing with Blacks and Hispanics. Senator Harris identifies herself as a Black Woman, but in expressing her thanks to Old White Joe for choosing her as his running mate, she did not explain why she chose to join the ticket with a man she practically branded as a racist in the Democratic debates. 


Senator Harris led the attack on Judge Bret Kavanaugh and claimed that he was unfit for office because of an alleged teen-age indiscretion. But now, Biden’s past racist associations and votes do not make him unfit for office. What an opportunist!


It is interesting to watch Biden and Harris go at each other during the Democratic debates. Just click this link or watch for five minutes the video below to witness their heated exchange. Please stay tuned to witness Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard tearing into Senator Harris for her actions as Attorney General. ###



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