Monday, January 13, 2025

Lies and Hoaxes


As the Biden administration comes to its end, it is amazing that most Democrats are still unaware that their party leadership, while routinely claiming that Donald Trump is an inveterate liar, have perpetrated three major hoaxes on them and the American people over the past eight years.

Hoax #1.  Eight years ago when Donald Trump first ran for President, Democrats claimed, and some still claim, that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election. Their complaints led to the famous Mueller investigation which found no evidence of collusion. So not only was the Democrat charge unfounded, but we also now know that the so-called Steele dossier was a hoax that originated at the highest levels of the Hillary Clinton campaign. That’s right, the same person who recently received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden was behind the 2016 hoax.

Hoax #2.  Four years ago in the midst of the 2020 Presidential campaign, the New York Post ran the story of the laptop abandoned at a computer repair shop by Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat contender Joe Biden. Apparently, the laptop not only contained salacious images of Hunter’s drug and porn addicted life, but also evidence of criminal business activities that could even implicate his father.  

Immediately, Democrat operatives sprang into action and drafted a letter claiming the story was a product of Russian disinformation. 51 former US intelligence officials signed the letter and effectively quashed the story. We now know they all lied and that the hoax was initiated by Anthony Blinkin, who has been Secretary of State since Biden’s election. If Blinkin and the intelligence officials could lie to us to achieve their political goals, why should anyone trust them when it comes to Afghanistan, Ukraine, Russia, Israel or Iran?

Miranda Devine, who wrote the original Post story, gives a very full account of this hoax in her recent book, “The Big Guy.” Now, four years later, we know that there really was a laptop abandoned by Joe Biden’s drug and porn addicted son. The laptop contained evidence of criminal activity that eventually led to Hunter’s recent conviction on tax evasion and fireman violations. 

No wonder that President Biden was forced to pardon his son despite his repeated avowals that he would not do so. Once a judge threw out a plea bargain, it became obvious that Hunter was not going to take the fall for anything. What else could explain the extent of the pardon that excused Hunter not only for the recent convictions, but also for anything Hunter might have done as far back as 2014 when both he and his father were heavily involved in Ukrainian affairs. Hunter’s pardon eliminates any further investigations of any kind.  

Hoax #3. Recently, the Wall Street Journal published an article detailing President Biden’s mental decline over the past four years, and the elaborate cover up of his incapacity by his family and close aides.  The cover up included repeated lies by Democrat politicians like Vice-President Harris, and Biden aides that the President was “sharp as a tack.”  Even after Biden’s disastrous debate performance last June, Democrats refused to accept the obvious until polls led them to insist the President withdraw from the Presidential race.  

To this day the aged President insists that if he had stayed in the race, he would have won.  Four years ago The Weekly Bystander observed that Biden was obviously suffering from the effects of old age.  Nevertheless, Democrats managed to put him in the White House by the barest of margins.  The idea of a puppet President whose strings were being pulled by others would be laughable if it hadn't had such serious consequences both at home and abroad.
