Monday, September 4, 2023

Republican Debate Impressions


In the recent Republican Presidential debate the eight candidates did little to help themselves in their uphill struggle against former President Donald Trump. To paraphrase an old expression, the messenger is the message, and so let’s look at the candidates. What impression did these candidates give?


First, some left little impression. At one end Asa Hutchinson, despite his age and experience, looked like he was running for president in the nineteenth century. At the other end of the stage Governor Borghum of North Dakota did not demonstrate that he was ready for prime time. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina gave the impression that he was running for Vice-President. Senators rarely make good candidates for the Presidency. 


Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, and the only woman in the field, claimed that former President Donald Trump is the most hated man in America. As I heard these words, I wondered if she realized that she would become the most hated woman in America if, by some miracle, she became the Republican nominee. Can she be blind to the reality that with social media and an incredibly biased mainstream media, it is possible to demonize any Republican and turn them into objects of mass hatred?


Former Governor Chris Christie provided another example of a blind politician. His claim to fame is that he was elected Governor of blue state New Jersey, but he failed to point out that he bungled the job, and that now New Jersey is bluer than ever. Moreover, he launched an all- out attack on Trump despite the fact that the former President enjoys overwhelming support among Republican voters. Is he running for the Republican or Democratic nomination?


That leaves former Vice President Mike Pence, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, and billionaire outlier Vivek Ramaswamy. In a better world, Trump and Pence would have been re-elected in 2020, and in 2024 Mike Pence would naturally have become the Republican nominee. He did defend the achievements of the Trump administration during the debate, but right or wrong January 6 makes him persona non grata among Trump diehards. He is knowledgeable, experienced, and competent but lacks charisma and fire. He would be better off running for Senator from Indiana.


I thought that Governor DeSantis did a good job at the debate although at times he seemed a little strident. I do think he is too young for the Presidency. I cannot understand the mentality of a man with two young children who will expose them to the stress of the Presidency. I still believe it would be better for him to mend his fences with Trump and become his running mate. After all, Kamala Harris practically called Joe Biden a racist but still was chosen to be his running mate. If elected, Trump will be a lame duck and would need an heir apparent in 2028. No one fits that bill better than DeSantis.


Finally, I thought Vivek Ramaswamy was a breath of fresh air. He had the best lines of the night. He unabashedly called Trump the best President of the 21stcentury. I know that’s not saying much since the others were George Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden but he gave credit where credit was due, not like the others. He was not afraid to claim that the climate change movement was a hoax. It was interesting that neither the other candidates nor the moderators challenged him on this statement. Then, he was alone in opposing arms for Ukraine, and a further escalation of that war. I do not know where this dynamic young man will end up in politics, but it seems to me he represents the wave of the future.



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