Thursday, May 25, 2023

Political Collusion


By now even inveterate Trump haters (ITH) must know that there was no evidence that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia in the run up to the 2016 Presidential election. Almost four years have passed since the exhaustive and expensive Mueller investigation could find no evidence of collusion. 

Now, with the publication of the final report of Special Counsel John Durham, the Trump haters will have to face the fact that the whole story was a hoax concocted by members of the Clinton campaign to smear their hated opponent. Moreover, the hoax was aided and abetted by high-ranking officials in the FBI who overrode the objections of ordinary agents who found no grounds to initiate an investigation. Here is the conclusion of noted Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel on reading the Durham Report.

"Some are responding to the Durham report with calls to dismantle the FBI. But the report shows the rank and file doing exactly what the FBI is supposed to do—question, verify. The fault rests with an arrogant leadership that discarded the usual layers of oversight—a seventh floor that took charge with no regard for rules, little care for the truth, and no accountability from above."

The “seventh floor” refers to the leadership of the FBI, most of whom were appointed during the Obama administration, whose political aims and objectives overrode normal FBI rules and procedures.  

We have to fast forward to the 2020 election to find real political collusion on the part of high-ranking operatives of the Democratic party. Early in 2020 the NY Post released a story about a lap top computer that Hunter Biden, the already notorious son of candidate Joe Biden, had left unclaimed at a computer repair shop. Apparently, the computer’s hard drive contained potentially criminal information. The revelations in the Post story were a potential bombshell, and we now know that Democratic operatives immediately sprang into action to prevent any damage to the Biden campaign. 

They drafted a letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a classic example of “Russian disinformation” designed to influence our election. They then contacted a number of former high-ranking officials in the intelligence agencies and convinced 51 of them to sign on to the letter which then was circulated by a compliant media. Even though FBI had possession of the infamous laptop, this letter effectively “spiked” the potentially damaging story.  The NY Post’s revelations were dismissed as right-wing propaganda. The signers of this letter have not recanted or apologized even though we now know that the laptop was real and not a Russian collusion scam. 

Interestingly, at about the same time that the Durham report was issued, government agents investigating the laptop were taken off the case. This stinks to high heaven. 



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