Saturday, September 24, 2022

Road to Hell for America

In recent testimony before a Congressional panel, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon provided a rare example of a prominent banker “speaking truth to power.” Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic Representative from Michigan and a member of the Progressive Squad, asked for a simple "Yes" or "No" answer to this question: “Does your bank have a policy against funding new oil or gas products?” Dimon responded simply and directly.

“ Absolutely not, and that would be the road to hell for America.”

Instead of asking for an explanation, Tlaib could only threaten Dimon and his bank with a kind of boycott. She suggested that people should withdraw their accounts from his bank even though she had previously claimed that banks like his were refusing to offer banking services to minorities.

Perhaps, Representative Tlaid should have issued a subpoena to President Biden to testify before her committee. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on September 23, Alexander Zemak noted that the Biden administration has so far released over 200 Million barrels of oil from America’s Strategic Petroleum reserve. That withdrawal represents about 30% of the reserves leaving us with the lowest level since 1984. Despite the concerns of climate alarmists like Representative Tlaib, these reserves are going to be burned somewhere.

What emergency prompted the President to deplete our energy reserves to such an extent, especially without asking representatives like Tlaib to even vote on the matter? It is true that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has interrupted oil and gas deliveries to Europe, but we were not dependent on Russian energy. Nor were we dependent on Arab production. In fact, when President Biden took office, we were so energy independent, that we were exporting oil, natural gas, and even coal abroad.

The Biden Administration itself created the emergency. Almost immediately on taking office, the new President used an executive order to put a stop to the construction of the Keystone pipeline that would transport Canadian crude oil to American refineries. With another executive order, he put a hold on fracking on Federal lands. 

The President also did not bother to consult Congress in issuing these orders. It seems obvious that he and his handlers were out to put an end to the use of fossil fuels in America. Aside from the fact that his actions put many people out of work, they also increased energy costs for everyone. We had an energy system that worked, and they broke it. 

The real emergency came earlier this year when gas prices at the pump doubled and even tripled in some areas, and became a major factor in the rise of inflation. The Biden administration and the Democratic party saw this spike in energy prices as a serious threat to their prospects in the coming mid-term elections. The red wave threatening them would have become a tsunami unless prices at the pump could be driven down.

I have read that we have sufficient oil and gas reserves underground to supply all of our energy needs for 400 years. We have plenty of time to figure out if we are really in a climate crisis, and if we can do anything about it. Look at the technological progress we have made in just the past 100 years. There are signs that the hasty panaceas we are trying now can do more harm than good. Just this week, a large Lithium battery burst into fire in a huge battery storage facility in California. Nearby residents were urged to stay indoors, and a highway was shut down for fear of toxic fumes. 

There is strong evidence that the world is not facing an imminent climate catastrophe. China and India, the world’s two most populous countries by far, do not seem concerned. They are importing fossil fuel from Russia. China is even building its own coal plants.  Maybe Representative Tlaib should subpoena their leaders. 


1 comment:

  1. And Tlaib said to Jamie Dimon, all the people who have taken student lans from your bank should close their accounts and he should have said, Thank You Ms Stupid. PLEASE, please ask them to pay their loan amounts and close the accounts.

    The problem is politicizing of the energy issue. Right now the world needs fossil fuels. If we can bring other fuels and if they are cheaper & cleaner, let's look at them. One can't say EV cars all the time and not talk about where the electricity is going to come from and how we are going to produce it. You are absolutely right about India & China. As they are getting oil on a very discounted rate from Russia they are expanding manufacturing and electricity production in their countries. China has numerous take or pay contracts with the LNG producers and their current demand is low, so once they pick up a LNG vessel they divert to the highest bidder and making a minimum of $10 billion profit per vessel. Smart-long-range-planning. Without energy a country cannot survive let along progress & cheaper the better.
