Monday, April 12, 2021

Systemic Democratic Racism

Democrats from President Joe Biden on down claim that America is suffering from systematic racism. Systemic means that racism pervades the whole of American society, except for Blacks who by definition cannot be racists despite the fact that they lead the nation in assaults on Asians. Racism is all pervasive only among Whites even though many of them don’t realize it. Progressives call it "unconscious racism."


If that is the case, then racism must also pervade White Democratic politicians like the ones who govern most of America’s blue states and cities. Old White Joe, despite his pronouncements, must be an unconscious white supremacist at heart. 

Here are three examples of systemic racism among Democrats.


Georgia Election Reform:


The reaction to the election reform bill recently passed by the Georgia Legislature  is a good case in point. President Biden led the charge by calling the election reforms a revival of the old Jim Crow laws that effectively kept blacks from the polls over 50 years ago. However, even the liberal Washington Post admitted that the President lied about the provisions of the bill.


 CEOs from Atlanta based Delta Airlines, and Coca Cola were quick to jump on the bandwagon and denounce the reform legislation. Also, the Commissioner of Major League baseball decided to move the All-Star game from Atlanta to Colorado apparently unaware that Colorado’s election laws were more restrictive than Georgia’s reform measures. 


Why are these responses not just foolish but racist? Democrats object strenuously to any attempt to require identification cards at polling places. Why is opposition to ID cards racist?


In effect, Democrats are buying into the old racial stereotypes. They must think that blacks are too ignorant to apply for ID cards. Or do they think they are too lazy, or shiftless? Do they think Blacks have no sense of civic pride and duty? Practically everyone in the country already has some kind of government issued identity card. You can’t even get on a Delta plane without one.


Gun Control:

Some recent shootings have led President Joe Biden to propose more gun control regulations. I won’t say laws because he is just planning to do it by executive orders. 


Everyone knows that Democratic controlled states and cities already have the most stringent gun control laws in the country. However, these laws have never prevented criminal gang members from possessing and using all sorts of firearms. Shootings in cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit have always been high, and have only increased with the lawlessness tolerated by Democratic politicians last year.


Democrat controlled cities lead the nation in shooting deaths and the great majority of the shooters and victims have been young black men. In the past year more that 500 young black men have been gunned down in Chicago. Shootings have increased during the protests and violence of the past summer, but the death toll has been high for decades.


Why can’t the Democratic politicians in those cities stop it? Are they just ignorant, or unconcerned, or are they racists who believe those black lives don’t matter? Where there is a will, there’s a way. But it appears that there is no will or desire to stop it. Maybe the lives of these black victims only matter when they are killed by a white policeman and fit a racist narrative. 


Actually, Democratic politicians have led the campaign to abolish the “stop and frisk” policy that has kept guns off the streets, saved thousands of lives, and made crime infested neighborhoods safe. Even former Mayor Mike Bloomberg of New York City admitted as much before his political ambitions led him to abjectly apologize last year.


Disparate Abortion Results:


As part of his sweeping new economic proposals, President Biden plans to insist on Federal funding of abortions. No matter how you feel about abortion, you have to admit that for years the abortion rate among Blacks has been significantly higher than among Whites. Blacks make up less than 15% of the population but statistics show that the number of abortions among Blacks equals that among Whites.


Protestors complain of a disparate proportion of Blacks in prison, but never point to the disparate proportion of Blacks aborted. Given the figures you would think that White Supremacists are the strongest advocates of Federal abortion funding. But no, it is the Democratic party.


Some day in the future historians or sociologists might look back and conclude that the USA during our time was involved in genocide given the number  of Black abortions since Roe v. Wade. After all, the stated intention of Margaret Sanger, the founder and patron saint of Planned Parenthood was to keep down the population of what she considered to be inferior and undesirable  races.



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