Thursday, December 17, 2020

President Trump: Concession Speech




Now that the Electoral College has voted, I suspect that President Trump will soon concede. Below is my suggestion of what should be in that concession speech. It is a brief statement that admits defeat in the election battle, while vigorously claiming to carry on the war for America in the next four years.

I am announcing today that I will acknowledge and accept the results of the recent Electoral College vote. Even though I continue to believe that there was massive fraud in the election, I am conceding in the interests of national tranquility, 

However, I intend to be very active as President in my few remaining weeks in office. I will continue to discharge the duties of the office until my successor is inaugurated. I will also remain fully committed in politics, especially in working to elect the two Republican candidates for Senate in the upcoming Georgia run-off election. 

Moreover, when I leave office, I intend to be part of the resistance to the new Democratic regime because I believe that their opposition over the past four years has been offensive, unprincipled, and not in the true interests of our country. Not only have the Democrats failed to learn from their mistakes in the past, but also, they now are preparing to double down on them.

I will also work to continue the efforts to expose what I believe to be massive fraud in the past election. Even Democrats and their allies in the media admit that there was fraud, but just say that there was not enough to change the outcome. Despite innumerable signed affidavits, they continually claim that there is no evidence. 

Fraud in our elections cannot be tolerated for it strikes at the very root of our democracy. I will do all I can as a private citizen in the next four years to expose the fraudulent activities in the past election, and to work to ensure that they can never happen again.

There is precedent for such resistance which, after all, is the right of every American citizen. For the past four years Democrats have complained that my election was stolen by collusion with Russia and that my Presidency was illegitimate. For four years I have been subjected to the most vicious attacks from the Democratic opposition, the governing class in Washington, and their allies in the media. 

The attacks began even before my inauguration and continued even after the Mueller and other investigations turned up no evidence of wrongdoing on my part. My opponents even resorted to a bogus impeachment with virtually no evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The Senate rightly exonerated me. 

Despite an unprecedented level of political opposition and obstruction on the part of the Democrats and their allies, my administration achieved more in the past four years than the previous two administrations did in sixteen.

At home we supported tax reform that brought jobs back to America, and stimulated the economy to new heights. During my tenure we achieved record high employment and earnings in all levels of society, including record employment and job gains for minorities. 

We threw out foreign trade deals that everyone knew were flawed and outmoded, and replaced them with trade deals in which America would no longer play the sucker. Moreover, we discarded treaties that played into the hands of our enemies. We withdrew from the Paris Climate accord when it was clear that China, the world’s greatest polluter, would not comply. We withdrew from the foolish and dangerous nuclear agreement with Iran. During my administration no planeloads of cash were sent to promoters of terrorism. 

Today, we are closer to peace in the Middle East than we have been in the past century. We have eliminated ISIS, the terrorist force that occupied most of Iraq during the Obama Biden administration. During my administration we entered no new wars and have begun to bring our troops home from all parts of the world. We also brokered peace deals between Israel and its Arab neighbors, something my opponents thought could never be done.

Finally, I believe that history will record that the greatest achievement of the Trump administration was the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus in record time through an incredible joint effort on the part of government and our private industry. We have suffered a tragic number of deaths during the pandemic, but because of our joint efforts, our successor will have the tools to overcome Covid. 

The true test of the Trump administration will not be about whether people liked or disliked me personally, but on how much my administration and the American people have accomplished in the past four years. In the next four years I plan to work to ensure that those gains are not lost or frittered away by self-serving politicians, and foolish ideologues.



1 comment:

  1. Four years ago this December we were intimidated just for saying Merry Christmas. Four years ago this December, employees freedom of speech was stepped on: forbidden to say Merry Christmas to customers. Same with children in public schools. Who ran the show than? The Democrats. Do we want then to have total control in all houses of our government? Think back. Think for yourself
