Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Alternate Justice System (AJS)

Two weeks ago I posted about Some Lives Don’t Matter (SLDM), a movement that now seems to be growing faster than the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Actually, SLDM has grown so rapidly that it has brought to the public eye an alternate system of justice that prevails in our inner cities.

Let me give an example. On Saturday, June 27, a 21-year-old black man was gunned down by an assailant who pumped a number of bullets into his car. The young man was killed instantly but the three other occupants of the vehicle were only wounded. Predictably, these witnesses refused to cooperate with police representing the official criminal justice system. It would appear that they have more respect for the alternate justice system. 

What makes this story stand out from numerous other murders of this type was the fact that the young man had recently been released from prison to save him from the dreaded coronavirus. For months Progressives have been urging that the prisons be emptied not just for public health reasons, but because they believe that the large numbers of black prisoners are a sign of systemic racism. 

After all, in the official criminal justice system most of the judges, lawyers, jurors, and police are white, while the majority of criminals in prison are people of color. 

So, the young man was released after serving only two years of his eight-year drug trafficking sentence. Whoever ordered his release from the official justice system obviously believed that they were doing him a favor but they did not realize that he was only being thrown into the arms of the Alternate Justice System (AJS).

In that system the arresting officer used a deadly weapon to not only execute the young man but sprayed bullets into the car. He acted as prosecutor, judge, and executioner. The trial was swift and the verdict pre-ordained. The defendant had no rights or attorney to defend him. He could not even enter an appeal. 

We know that in this alternate criminal justice system practically all of the those carrying the guns are people of color. In a state that has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the country, these laws either do not apply or go unenforced in the alternate justice system. 

The state has also banned the death penalty but it is a major and growing part of the alternate justice system. The death of the young man was the ninth case of the death penalty meted out so far this year by the alternate justice system. Bridgeport’s Police Chief stated that the system has a long history. “Violent groups in the city have been targeting each other for years.”

The recent riots and looting in Minneapolis, Seattle, New York and elsewhere have demonstrated the existence of the two systems. On the one hand, we have the great majority of people, white and black, who abide by the laws of the official system. During the coronavirus scare we obeyed like sheep when told by authorities to stay at home, leave work and school, and wear masks.

On the other hand, when vandals, looters, burners, and shooters took over and trashed neighborhoods without any fear of the official justice system, they suffered no consequences. Some even praised them. Inevitably, the alternate criminal justice system took over and shootings and killings increased dramatically.

In the nine days following the rioting in New York City, there were 112 killed or injured in 83 separate shootings. In Chicago, a city where more than 300 black men had been executed by the alternate justice system in the past year, 25 people were killed and another 85 wounded over the last weekend in May.

Because these victims were not killed by a white policeman, their lives really won’t matter to the protestors marching to reform, de-fund, or even eliminate the official criminal justice system. 


Quote for the day. "The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deny it, malice may distort it, but there it is." Churchill.

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