Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus Antidote

The Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University has been tracking the progress of the coronavirus. Its figures are constantly updated but as of Sunday morning, March 22, the CSSE showed 311918 reported cases worldwide, and 13407 deaths attributed to the virus. The worldwide death rate of reported cases would appear to be about 4% so far.
The chart also indicated that 93790 of total cases had recovered from the virus. It seems that recovery reports must lag behind reports of actual cases. In China the number of cases has levelled off which could be a very hopeful sign unless the Chinese government is underreporting.
Interestingly, most of the reported cases have occurred in the Northern hemisphere. This fact would support those who believe that the coronavirus, like the flu, might be seasonal and tend to vanish with the onset of Spring. On TV the other night a doctor claimed that the warm weather damages the “corona” or crown that gives the microscopic virus its name, and renders it harmless.
I wondered about the doctor’s claim since our body temperature (98.6) is usually considerably higher than outside air temperature. Why wouldn’t the virus die once it enters our bodies? I called my brother, a gifted biologist, and he said the doctor’s assertion was “nonsense”. He argued that the reason why viral outbreaks lessen in the Spring is due to an increase in sunlight as the days get longer. In particular, there is an increase in the ultraviolet light that we are exposed to even when it is cloudy.
There are different kinds of ultraviolet light but UV B works primarily to build up our Vitamin D that usually decreases during the winter. Among other things, Vitamin D strengthens our immune system. Here is his explanation:

Other than the visible light we receive from the Sun, there is Ultraviolet radiation as well. The Sun emits UV A, UV B and UV C. UV C never reaches the Earth as it is absorbed by our atmosphere. UV C can kill bacteria and Viruses and is used in germicidal lamps. The UV A penetrates our skin and is responsible for sun burn. The UV B is the radiation which causes us to make vitamin D; however, only a small amount of UV B actually reaches the Earth.

In the Northeast we get virtually no UV-B during the months of November through February. The amount of UV-B increases in March and reaches a maximum during June, July and August then starts to taper off. This all has to do with the angle of the Sun relative to the Earth. Also, the amount of UV-B varies during the day with the greatest amount received from about 10AM to 2PM. With about 1/3 of the body exposed for about 20 minutes during that time period, 3 or 4 times a week, will cause the production of all the Vitamin D necessary. As with just about anything too much Vitamin D can cause a variety of health problems.

It is true that Vitamin D has always been associated with bone health but it is essential for many other functions in the body especially the immune system. This is why it is advised to eat food or food supplemented with Vit D starting in the Fall through Spring. Fatty fish like Salmon and Mackerel and Tuna, Cod Liver oil, egg yolks contain much Vit D, but most multivitamins contain all the Vitamin D necessary.

There are estimates that upwards of 30% percent of the US population is Vit D deficient which can compromise their immune system during the late Fall and Winter. You may remember when people with Tuberculosis were sent to sanatoriums where they would be exposed to Sunlight as part of their treatment. Most likely their exposure to the Sun at the right time of year and day was providing them with the Vitamin D necessary for recovery.

However, he claims that Senior citizens are especially vulnerable not because their immune systems are weak or compromised but because they are too strong after a long life of fighting off viruses. Restraining their immune systems might prevent the pneumonia that kills most seniors. He wrote,

 I saw a doctor on TV last night, an Oncologist, who has already been using Chloroquin and Z-pak on Corona Patients with great success.  He and I agree that there is no such thing as a weakened immune system with age and, in fact, the problem with an elderly person is a mature immune system (because we have fought many infections during our lifetime) which tends to an overreaction to a viral infection. 

  This overreaction causes what is known as a "cytokine storm" which leads to great inflammation and lungs filling up with fluid which can lead to pneumonia.  The Chloroquin and Z-pak combination tends to reduce the inflammatory response and also destroy the virus.  Dr. Fauci is a scientist who as a true scientist would like to see a controlled experiment to demonstrate that this treatment poses no harm and is effective; however, this could take months.  These are extraordinary times which seem to require extraordinary measures.  Australia, France and South Korea are using similar combinations with success right now. In the meantime, much research has and is being done to develop a vaccine which hopefully will be ready if needed in the Fall.

Finally, he agreed with those who believe that drinking water is just as important as washing hands. Apparently, our immune systems prick holes in the microscopic infected cells, so that water can rush in and destroy them. The life of the cell is indeed incredible. Wouldn’t it be something if sunlight and water turn the tide in the coronavirus war?


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