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I are a Capitalist |
after being elected Pope last year, Pope Francis issued an encyclical letter,
entitled "Evangelium Gaudium", or the Joy of Evangelization. The letter was
directed mainly to the Catholic faithful but in a brief section designed to put
his message in context the Pope seemed to direct his words to a wider
audience. The section was entitled “Some Challenges in Today’s World.”
Pope complained that “the majority of our contemporaries are barely living from
day to day, and that “inequality is increasingly evident.” This inequality has
resulted from “the enormous qualitative, quantitative, rapid and cumulative
advances occurring in the sciences and in technology.”
Pope insisted that we must say no to “an economy of exclusion and inequality,”
and asked the often-quoted question, “How can it be that it is not a news item
when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock
market loses two points?”
singled out for special criticism a kind of economic Darwinism.
“Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.”
argued that so-called “trickle down” theories based on the idea that economic
growth will make the tide rise for both rich and poor do not really work. They
express “a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic
may be theories of this kind in the world today but I do not know of any place
where the kind of unfettered or uncontrolled capitalism that the Pope mentioned
actually exists. If inequality is actually increasing in the world today, it is
going hand in hand with increasing state regulation and control of economies.
Pope was not speaking infallibly in his encyclical. He admitted that:
“It is not the task of the Pope to offer a detailed and complete analysis of contemporary reality, but I do exhort all the communities to an “ever watchful scrutiny of the signs of the times.”
an ordinary Catholic I would like to offer an anecdotal and incomplete analysis
of the signs of the times based on my own experience.
have to confess that I am a Capitalist. I even remember the year I became a
Capitalist. In 1965 I was hired, right out of graduate school, as an Instructor
to teach History at Sacred Heart University, a small, recently opened
institution of higher learning in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Heart could hardly be called a university in those days. It was a small liberal
arts college with the distinction of being the only Catholic college in the
country staffed and run entirely by laymen. When I arrived the school was only
in its third year of existence and the faculty was still in the process of
a few weeks after classes started the Business Manager of the school approached
me to ask if I wanted to sign up for the fledgling school’s retirement plan. He
explained that if I agreed to allocate a small percentage of my pay toward
retirement, the university would match my contribution.
starting salary back in 1965 was about $6000 and I had a wife and one small
child. Retirement was the last thing on my mind. Nevertheless, it seemed like a
good deal especially since the university would match it. If I reduced my pay
by 6% or $30 per month, the university would add that much to my account. The
reduction in take home pay would only be about $25 per month.
I agreed to sign up, the Business Manager told me that I would have a choice of
where my small contributions would be invested. Sacred Heart University had
joined with the great majority of colleges and universities in the country to
utilize the services of the Teachers’ Retirement and Annuity Association (TIAA)
to administer and manage its retirement plan. The university would deduct the
contribution and send it along with their matching contribution to TIAA where
it would be invested as I chose.
that time, there were only two investment choices. The first was a fixed or
guaranteed account like a bank account. The principal in the account was
guaranteed by the insurance company and it would earn a fixed rate of interest.
The second option was a variable account where my contributions would be
invested in a diversified portfolio of common stock. In this account, there
were no guarantees. The principal value would fluctuate according to the
vagaries of the stock market, and there could be no predicting what the actual
rate of return would be.
the majority of teachers I elected to split my retirement equally between the
fixed and variable account. I was not a student of finance or the stock market,
and just decided to do what most others seemed to be doing. I had no idea that
in electing to put half in the variable account that I was becoming a
variable account was a relatively new creation. It was a mutual fund but since
it was run by an insurance company, it was called a variable annuity. After
years of lobbying TIAA had finally convinced the Government to allow insurance
companies to get into the booming mutual fund business. TIAA’s variable annuity
fund was called the College Retirement Equity Fund (CREF), and it would in time
become one of the largest pools of investment dollars in the world.
my little contribution went into CREF each month, I became a part, although
very small, owner of practically every major company in the USA. Whatever their
political feelings or philosophy, thousands and thousands of other college
teachers throughout the country were also becoming Capitalists. We all were
becoming owners of a slice of the American pie. Moreover, the government agreed
not to tax our contributions or their earnings until we retired.
the next fifty years the features of this type of retirement plan would be
extended to a larger and larger segment of American workers. Self-employed
individuals were allowed to use so-called Keogh plans. Corporations were allowed to set up tax favored 401k plans for their employees.
Finally, the creation of IRAs enabled practically every American to have a
stake in the American economy.
true that few of us will have the income or assets of Rock stars like Madonna,
TV personalities like Oprah, or athletes like Tiger Woods. But more than
anywhere else in the world, we do have the opportunity to acquire and keep
property. We can even buy and sell shares in the companies we work for.
down economics may be an odious theory but I don’t call what has gone on in
America in the past fifty years trickle down economics. It is something else
and whatever you call it, it has worked to raise the standard of living in this
country to the highest that has ever been seen in the world. Other countries
have an emigration problem. Only we seem to have an immigration problem.
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