A recent front page article in the Connecticut Post
highlighted the attempts of a 90 year old woman to treat her glaucoma with
marijuana. The story was front page because the Connecticut legislature is
currently considering the legalization of “medical” marijuana for the treatment
of many ailments.
I am not a medical professional but the glaucoma case caught
my attention because I too suffer from the disease. Glaucoma is a disease that
causes irrecoverable damage to the optic nerve. The only treatment is to reduce
the fluid pressure in the eye by medication or surgery. No treatment will
repair the damage to the optic nerve or improve vision. Successful treatment
can only reduce the pressure in the eye in order to slow down or retard further
damage to the eye.
In the article the woman claimed that the eye drops needed
to treat glaucoma were not doing the job, and that she was reluctant to undergo
laser surgery. However, the article never mentioned what success the lady had
achieved by smoking her marijuana cigarettes. I checked with my eye surgeon and
he indicated that marijuana does reduce the pressure but only for about an
hour. People with glaucoma need permanent, round the clock, pressure reduction.
Does anyone think it would be healthy for grandma to smoke 24 joints a day?
Glaucoma is serious business, and marijuana is not a quick
fix. Anyone suffering from this disease should consult a glaucoma specialist.
In my case the glaucoma had progressed so far that eye drops were no longer
doing an adequate job. On investigation I discovered that laser surgery was
also not the best answer but that there was another surgical procedure that
could and did do the job. ###